Well, today got off to a good start, after a long sleepless night with a 3 year old tossing and turning around in our bed, who didn't get to sleep until after midnight! Taylor woke at 6am for a bottle but went back to sleep until almost 9am after that, so some good did happen :)
We hung out at home until my mom and sf came to check out a prob with our fridge door. Then we packed the kids up and went off to my cousin's place to watch a bit of football.
5pm was time to come home, and that we did. Before un-bundling Nathan, I decided he needs to get more exercise and fresh air, so he and I went for an amazing walk together.
This kid was always a runner, and man, can he still run!!! We went most of the way up our road, which is a huge incline. All he wanted to do was run. So we ran, and ran, and ran. Then he wanted to play "get off the road and stop walking while the cars go by", even though there were no cars. So I had to get to the side of the road and wait until he gave me the go-ahead to continue walking.
After about 10 or more trials of this, it was getting old to me (I have a short attention span! lol), so I said "ok buddy, let's walk again now". To which he replied, "no, let's RUN!" and off he went again! I laughed to myself and couldn't help but think he was going to be like another Ben Johnson, er..no...Marion Jones type.....Oh no!!!! Why is it that the only famous runners I can think of are associated with scandals? So I decided I didn't know who he was going to be like; rather, he was going to be like himself - "Nathan Green, the famous non-scandalous runner"!
By the time I had this conversation with myself, we were as far as I thought we shoud go. So we turned back and started to make the trek back home. On our way, we got sidertracked by a snowball fight, which Nathan started with me. We discovered our footprints form the trip up, as well. We made more footprints, running ones and walking ones.
Then Nathan ran toward me as I got ahead of him, and I picked him up and swung him around. Of course, that had to be repeated, literally, ad nauseum, until I just couldn't take any more spinning!!
We ran some more, and then we were home. Snacks for dinner abounded, and Dora/Diego videos, which he's currently addicted to. Taylor was fed and once her belly was nice and full, I gave her a bottle.
Not 5 minutes later we were in the bathroom getting her cleaned up for bed, and out it came. (
this part is not for the weak-stomached!)
Projectile vomit, EVERYWHERE! It was on the mirror, it was all over the floor, on the walls, all over the vanity, into the cupboard doors, down the cupboard doors, on the drawer handles. Just EVERYWHERE. It was like 10 drunk men had their way with the room.
So, now to clean this mess up. Luckily, I was spared, all but my socks, and somehow so were Taylor's pj's. For a minute.....
I put her into the hall so I could figure out where to start, and it begins again. All over the hall. On her pj's. Then onto my pj's. Needless to say, I was standing like frozen, with Taylor in mid-air, hollering for Craig. He comes running up to see the disaster. He decided to take Taylor, and I got the mess. It took me 1/2 hour to clean it all up - a full roll of paper towel, lots of lysol wipes, a mixture of vinegar and water, and a bucket full of pine sol. But now it's clean and hopefully germ-free.
So....... so much for our plan to get the kids to bed early tonight! Once again, it backfires...from a nice, calm evening, to changed plans that throw off the itinerary.
Well, hopefully Miss Taylor's episode won't be repeated tonight.
Mommy's first day back to work after FOREVER, is tomorrow, and I need to make it!
I hope it goes well, it's been a long time away from the OR. A temporary position elsewhere, one year of mat leave, then I returned back for 2 days after having been sick for 2.5 months and came down with pneumonia, which took me out for weeks more.
So, I pray that I get comfortable being back there, very quickly, as I have missed my opportunity for a re-orientation. And, I pray, I don't get sick again. That was enough to do me a lifetime!
So, if baby T is sick tomorrow, Daddy will have to stay home with her. Good Daddy :)